What's something someone did during sex that made you stop or even leave the room?

I was getting a cramp in my back and bumping my head in to the wall, so I asked this girl I had just met if we could move down the bed a bit, so we did and I was able to like stretch my back for a moment.. "Ahhh, k, better." and she immediately said in the worst most trashy voice ever.. "Is that it?" .. and it wasn't, I get off when I want to get off and it would have been another 45 minutes at least (its not like I had anything better to do) but it just turned me off soooo much I gave her too real good 'with intention' kinda pumps, came and said "No. THAT was it. Lets go." and got up and started getting dressed, and I've never done that to anyone before, "Treat her like a prostitute." .. the next day she asked to be my gf and I turned that shit down.

/r/AskReddit Thread