What's something you used to think is bullshit but now believe?

I must be some sort of anomaly. I grew up middle class in the US. My father held local office as a republican and even served on a committee for the state's republican governor. I was given a decent upbringing growing up, but not spoiled. I paid for my own college with student loans. Bought my own cars, fun times, etc. I later paid my own way through law school at night while working a full time job (that I earned over time on my own accord- no nepotism here) during the day. My family and I were more or less conservative in many aspects but not for religious reasons-- we've never been very religious. As I've gotten older and made more money, I've actually become more liberal- maybe law and poli sci degree did that. I'm actually okay paying a bit more to society if it means that others will suffer a bit less. I appreciate that middle class in the US is ridiculously better than many other situations people live in. I'm not about free handouts, but fostering a real opportunity to everyone (not just those with $) for a genuinely fair pursuit of happiness.
Meanwhile I have friends that have coasted by in life, being given everything by their parents/grandparents. They've grown much more conservative over the years. Handed their parent's businesses and/or inheritances. Not appreciating the fact that maybe others in society would love just 1/1,000th of the benefits they've been gifted. No surprise that the people receiving the largest handouts begrudge others who would want the same. They are floored when they hear my views. I'm a guy who works my ass off paying a ton in tax $. While I was briefing cases on weekends they were drinking and goofing off. If anyone should hate to pay for others in society it's me. I just don't feel that way.

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