What's something your parents did while raising you that you don't want to do to your children?

Oh man

Not say things like: "I pay for you so I can do whatever I want to you" or "If you ever fight back to defend yourself, even if I'm choking you the point where you'll die, I'll disown you"

Treat depression seriously and not say oh you dont have faith

Show support and not flip out over grades. I would get yelled out or grounded if I were to get less than B+, yet when I put in a lot of effort I'd just get an "oh good"

Treat my children as individuals and as humans and have a sense of humor and allow banter and not flip out and call everything disrespectful. I'm always afraid of making jokes with older people and adults because I'm used to my parents flipping out and calling me disrespectful.

Last but not least, not beat my kids.

/r/AskReddit Thread