What's something your sibling told you as a kid just to mess with you?

Oh man I got a good one.

One day, while my mom was driving us to school, my brother yelled out that he saw a flesh eating plant eat a guy. I think my mom played along so I actually believed that somewhere along the way to school there was a flesh eating plant just waiting to eat me if I dared pass it.

Some time passed and I had basically forgotten about it. It was the end of the school day and our teacher told us we could go home. For some reason I took this literally, so I got out of class, left my bag with my mom who was waiting for me and my brother, and took off, heading home. Of course, along the way I remembered that just a bit further there was this man eating plant, so I did what any 8 year old would do, do a 180 and get the hell back to school.

Took me way too long to realize there wasn't a man eating plant after all.

/r/AskReddit Thread