Where was the worst place you've had to take a dump?

Random market in Thailand. I've gone in some really nasty places before as I've spent a lot of time in the developing world, but context is everything.

I have a very strong stomach and have never had food poisoning despite eating plenty of shit I shouldn't. I had been chatting up some Chinese girls and had spent a few hours with them when suddenly it came over me - I had to go THEN. Despite all the effort I had put in it was such an emergency that I didn't even try to get their numbers, I just excused myself and bailed.

I go to a local vendor and ask them where they go. They're shaking their heads and suggesting I go a km or two to a hotel, but I make myself clear that I need to go then so they point me to what looks like a porta potty.

I move the unhinged door of the death box open and find standing water with clumps of shit floating around inside. The hole in the middle has overflowed and there is putrid water with tons of tiny insects buzzing. The hose is laying there under water and I'm wearing flip flops, but luckily I had snagged two very small "napkins" (more like tissues) before I got there.

The heat and humidity is already suffocating in combination with the low air quality, but even worse when you're in a plastic hut. The need to evacuate my bowels had started a sweat down the back of my neck before I got in, and my legs were sore from running earlier that day so the squat position with legs wide enough to try to get out of the water was not great. I was too high and it came out all liquid, splashing and spicy.

This was not a good moment (read: half hour) for me. When I came out I was so dehydrated from the mass exodus and excessive sweating that I nearly passed out. My clothes were totally soaked through and never dried, I had to put them in a plastic bag to pack them 5 days later. 1 star.

/r/AskReddit Thread