What's the strangest dream you've ever had?

This was about 4 or 5 years ago. I awoke in a New York-style apartment with my grandmother looking at me. She helped me out of bed and gave me a drink before asking "can you get some ice cream from down the road?". Someone my brain just knew where to go for this ice cream despite being in a completely unknown city. I turned a few corners and found a middle-aged fat-ish man wearing a bright red suit (almost like a clown) standing at the ice cream stand. The exchange was fairly normal - I got my ice cream and returned to the place I started my dream in. My grandmother thanked me but had a worried face. She said she saw something on the news and said that she had to get us out the apartment immediately. She walked towards the wall, and I kid you not, when I turned around there was an entire weapons arsenal on the wall. Snipers, RPGs, grenades, you name it... she picked up an RPG and made a gesture to come outside. When we went outside, I saw that man I originally met when buying an ice cream, except he was now as big as Godzilla, with the military surrounding him. Fortunately your brain surpresses your logic so I didn't think anything of it. We ended up chasing him in a car that we apparently own (my grandmother never learnt how to drive and I couldn't drive yet at this time) all the way to another city that reminded me of Miami. The dream kind of skipped ahead (probably just can't remember this part) and we were now face-to-face with him in a parking lot with my dad also in the car who appeared out of nowhere. The man in the red suit slowly walked over to the car, leaned towards my dad, opened his mouth, and started PUKING ICE CUBES INTO MY DAD'S MOUTH. I woke up at this point because my body thought I was choking. The memory of the dream was (and still is) so vidid. I was freaked out for the next day or two lol.

/r/AskReddit Thread