What's the strangest or worst dream you've had?

In my dream: I woke up in a hallway of a nursing home. Huge place with nice white chair rails, crown molding, etc. for some reason I knew if someone were to see me I'd get in trouble for trespassing. So I tried to be sneaky as I crept down the halls. Somehow I knew the floor plan as well. The only way out of the building was on the other side/wing. The only way to get there was to take the stairs to the third floor and cut across then back down. When I made my way to the stairs I came across two stairwells. One was pitch black, and ran chills down my back. I knew that if I entered I would die. I literally felt like I would die in real life, idk. The other was lit up white, like Bruce almighty God scene white. Blinding white. I made my choice to climb the white stairs, despite feeling that I was supposed to take the black ones and die. I made it across the the other wing of the buildings. Once on the first floor I found myself in a lobby with a secretary. She offered me green jolly ranchers and told me to sign up for fantasy football (which I've never done before). I went over to this computer that looked like an arcade machine for pacman or something. And started picking my team. But for some reason I had to create the athletes/characters, instead of pick them. Across from the machine I could see a room full of kids and my brother sitting at a big oval dining table. I couldn't get to them until I finished making my fantasy football team. While at the machine the secretary stated that someone sent a fruit gift to the kids at the table. I looked up and this huge ass oil tanker truck covered in fruit is backing up down the hall to the table room. I knew it was there to blow up, an attack of some sort. I immediately run for a nearby janitors closet and jump out the windows when it explodes. I keep sprinting across this open field with this perfect green grass. I see my mother walking down a sidewalk across the field and run to her saying that my brother is alright and alive. Even though I didn't see him escape the attack. Then I woke up.

/r/AskReddit Thread