What's up with the media wanting girls to be in STEM so much?

tl;dr Media can't change human biology. But biology is a social construct so they try anyway.


STEM fields yield more income in this time and age of technological advances. Social fields yield less income.

All scientific study shows that BIOLOGICALLY MALE BORN humans are more focused and interested in the "mobile", moving things and parts and action, while BIOLOGICALLY FEMALE BORN humans show more interest in faces, empathy, social contact and relationships.

So if you take two babies, a boy and a girl, and show them two displays ; one showing faces and talking people, the other showing machines, mechanical things and running animals:

The BOY focuses on the mobile objects and moving parts.

The GIRL focuses on the human faces and people, even if they are not moving.

This is our DNA. This is our genes. This is the result of 2 million years of evolution. Male and Female humans have different roles in reproduction and survival of the species. So they are programmed to be interested in different things. We are not not just seperated by our genitalia, we are DIFFERENT.

Men and women are NOT EQUAL. We are equivalent. We are just not the same being, there are huge differences.

Now it's natural that women don't go for engineering, repairs, mechanics, science or sports fields. If they grow up in a such environment, and grow up to be inclined to those; yeah sure, they will want to study mechanical engineering or soccer. But as they are born, they are more interested in fields such as nursing, social sciences, human resources, teaching, the service sector.. see?

And boys are less likely to be interested in those things unless their environment growing up makes them inclined to be so. They are more likely to be interested in cars, mechanics, science, maths, soccer, fighting, hunting, physical competition..


Now Media and SJW Shitlords are trying to make it "Men's and Patriarchy's fault for discriminating against women and preventing them from making more money, where STEM fields make more money".

If women are not considering STEM fields or "money making" degrees as much as men, it's because it's not in their biology to do so unless encouraged and taught to do so by their family and environment growing up.

If you just buy dolls and cute barbies for your daughter and teacher her to cook and clean and take care of babies and pets; doh, she won't be as interested in stem as the son you bought guns, legos, construction toys and footballs for.

tl;dr 2: Pursuing STEM is a choice. But women are biologically less likely to do so. They blame this on everyone else because they don't believe in biology, science, facts, or reality.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread