What's way more dangerous than most people think?

Nodded off in 2011, two large trees stopped my out of control 100km/h journey in an instant. Car was wedged between the trees in such a fashion that the steering wheel ended up where the passengers airbag should be.

Had no idea at the time(everything was so numb), but I had a spiral fracture of right femur, left femur completely broken in two places(from the engine heading back towards me) left humerus shattered from the steering wheel (and I mean the xray looked like a translucent sock filled with broken glass) and a shattered right hand.

It took them 5 hours, a dangerous amount of morphine and finally two out of body inducing doses of IV ketamine to extricate me from that wreck and into the helecopter.

Many years of, rehab, titanium pins and screws(+ subsequent removal), knee reco's, pain, numbness, occasional nightmares, opioids, arthritis starting at the age of 30 have taught me one thing.....Do not drive tired, its it's simply not worth it! On a side note, I always thought before this "had to learn to walk again" was nothing more than a melodramatic expression, it's not.

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