[Small rant] If you are poly, please list this in your profile, or mention it earlier than a week into a conversation

Idc if you are my gender or not. There is a big difference between child rapist/sex offender- which IS what you are saying or alluding to, and me saying your probably ugly, also for it to be a joke peeps have to find it funny and have a punchline, nah you meant it you just got called out very rapidly and changed tact.

idc if its a public place either, me telling you straight up that I only DTF on these apps and you thinking "omg that is horrendous" welcome to the 21st century puritan- sex is cool and relationships are no longer required (evidenced by the high amount of single mothers on there).

I don't want my come back darling, that is the whole point.

Also yes you probably are ugly hence using it for relationships instead of IRL and don't give me this BS about corona, the truth is you most likely wasn't successfully dating before and wont be after. Where as I will be doing all of the above.

The difference between me and you darling is I maximise the playing field to get what I want (non committed sex), you minimise and hope for the best (cant date irl, use app, and limit yourself further in what you want). That is the bottom line- if you were any good at finding peeps irl the app would just be for fun.

/r/Bumble Thread Parent