What's the wildest dream you're ever had?

Happened just the other day when I took a nap. Im sure I've had wilder dreams but just can't remember them as vividly. I was working in some sort of huge industrial factory, like a meat packing plant? Or some shit but like assembly lines with big scary dangerous machines and all of a sudden this alarm goes off and all the machines shut down and I look over to witness a coworker being brutally killed by one of the machines and his blood and innards splattered upwards of 60 feet throughout the factory and on the walls. this voice then comes on over an intercom and says "an employee has just been executed. We will now begin cleaning the walls" and thats when I woke up and i opened my eyes and just literally said out loud "Jesus fucking Christ" and like I wasn't even relieved that it was just a dream bc the fact that my mind made me see and experience that honestly fucked me up as much as the dream itself did, if not more. I've never seen that kind of violence in a dream before. It may sound silly but we all know how real a dream feels. Its like you're truly living it. I've never worked somewhere like that before and I've never experienced violence on that level in real life. I did some reading into what gory violent dreams might mean, and what resonated most with me was a discussion I read on quora. Someone had a similar dream and posted a question asking why they had such a disturbing dream. The gist of what I took away was that the gore/violence in these dreams could represent the horror we feel for what certain harmful coping mechanisms can do to the people we are. Poor coping mechanisms can badly distort and disfigure who we are, and the disfiguring we experience and suffer from as humans is typically due to an unresolved detrimental coping mechanism and the fear it masks that has become un-faced. I've been struggling with severe alcoholism and mental illness for some time, and thought this might be worth sharing.

/r/AskReddit Thread