What's the worst case of "spoiled rotten" that you've seen?

This was me (still me to a point, hard to turndown family money). As a teen I was practically a king. I got a pretty new (1 prior owner) Subaru Impreza for my 16th. For my 18th I had to talk my my dad down from a Nissan leaf (my sister moved to Colorado and she got the Subaru) because I "couldn't imagine driving electric with less than 100 miles range". I promptly got a 6 speed Mazda 3 the next day..

My junior year I got a 3.0 Gpa and they sent me to Europe for 6 weeks. I was ranked like 50 out of a class of 75

For reference they both grew up poor but got real lucky with their careers. I was adopted by them at age 7 and they gave me everything I needed. I didn't realize how affluent they were because, while we live in a low income rural area, our house was a simple log cabin in the woods out of town on maybe 40 acres and the surrounding farm houses were all bigger on more land. I guess they retired "comfortably" at like 53&55 and never have had to worry about money.

I had enough awareness of our money to know I would never have to worry but I didn't know the extent until I graduated highschool.

I now opt to live on a budget of $60 a week while at school, but with literally every expense prepaid that's a small and completely disposable fortune relative to my friends.. making me the guy to be throwing down half ounces of bud a week. No regrets, if I didn't spend that money on weed I would waste it on more materials.

/r/AskReddit Thread