What's your idea for a story that you'll never write?

Everything we know exists as part of the multiverse. Earth is the border world between human controlled universes and everywhere else. At some point in our evolution, a small subset of humans developed the ability to open up holes to the other universes and supernatural abilities with which to protect themselves, and led our species to expand into the unknown. These were what people referred to as gods in ancient times. As time went on though, these people were seen less as gods, and more as freaks. So as history progresses toward modern times, records of these people disappear as all of them either keep their secrets to their graves, or leave Earth to travel.

Earth develops as real life history says it did. In 2011, after selling his private space agency due to enormous costs of space travel, a genius scientist/entrepreneur has a theory that if maybe we can't expand in our own universe, what if we could expand into others? Long story short, he builds a device and cracks interdimensional travel. Except instead of poking a hole and expanding it gently like the natural travelers do, it tears a hole. This sends out large amounts of energy into neighboring universes and basically alerts the non-human side to Earth's presence.

In September of 2011, we are invaded. We lose. Badly. 2/3 of Earth's population dead, the rest used as slave labor to strip Earth of it's resources. Over the next 6 years almost like an immune response, more and more younger (<30 y/o) people begin developing traveling abilities and powers, and they're using them to fight back. This is a story about how Earth recovers, takes its place in the multiversal community, and how humanity changes in response.

I come up with stories set in this world all the time in my head. I'll never write them down though. I'm afraid too much of it is stealing from well recognized source material, and I'm not a good writer.

/r/AskReddit Thread