What's your most awkward sexual experience? [NSFW]

Met a girl at a party friends party in a trailer park. She asked is if i wanted to go for a walk. We went on said walk. She suggested we take a break. Found a boat on a trailer at the end of someone's driveway. We leaned against the boat and talked. She proceeds to give me a Knobber. Fast forward 10 minutes of the worst BJ in history. Im focusing so hard i want it to be over. im getting there when all ofa sudden i hear someone clear their throat from behind me "Hey have you seen heather?". The Girl was Heather - I turn around - Heather doesn't stop. I tell the guy to pissoff and i haven't seen her - "Oh ok Tell if you do tell her Jeff is looking for her" Jeff leaves - I ask her who he was - she takes a break from Knobbing to say "My Boyfriend" I proceed to Jackson Pollock her face/ shirt and hair. We decided headed back to the party- outside there were a few people - one of them was Jeff - I walked inside - Heather walked up to Jeff and kissed this poor fuck. i stayed inside for a bit and started to feel really fucking bad - Plus i was waiting for jeff and his boys to come fight me or something. I wanted to leave - i got my boys and left. outside i passed Heather and Jeff. I avoided eye contact for the most part but i glances at them as i passed. Heather looked indifferent but Jeff... this creepy fuck smiled and then winked at time while mouthing "Thanks". yeah..... participated in some cuck shit and i had no idea. felt gross for a long time. Probably shoulda used a throwaway. But meh.

/r/AskReddit Thread