What's your story about the 'One that got away'?

I have too many of these.

Well, I'll tell you the story of Daniela. I was in first grade and she was in kindergarden. Both our older sisters were best friends so naturally my sister ended up teasing me about how she liked me ooh la la etc. But seeing as I was a young boy yet to discover girls I blew it off. I was even a little mean to her (kid logic). Fast forward to middle school and she's at my house. This is where things get tangled. Me, having just hit puberty started to realize how pretty Daniela really is. Was she always this cute? Crap, I'm staring. So the tables had turned, I was beginning my awkward transformation and she now thought I was a dork. Keep in mind I gained weight and had unfortunate facial hair. Fast forward to my senior year of high school. We meet again. But this time we actually hit it off. "FINALLY" everyone yelled internally. It was awesome. We both loved horror movies, specifically Wes Craven (r.i.p), our sense of humor aligned so naturally that we could entertain each other for days. (Which we did). I was in the band in my school and she was in color guard at hers (a pair of dorks, I loved it). But one thing I always noticed: she was always studying and had really good grades. I, on the other hand would but heads with teachers daily. I knew she would make it far. Thats why I never asked her to be mine. Because she was about to graduate with honors and go to uc berkeley. (Glee anyone?) I knew that if we would be together I would only hold her back. A long distance relationship isn't exactly ideal for someone moving so far away to a top notch uni. I couldn't be the bearer of that kind of stress for her. I've yet to speak to her since she left about 3 years ago. We kind of left off on bad terms seeing as "I never came around ". Everyone always asks how come I never made a move? Well, cuz I'm a dumb ass for one. And two, I always knew she'd do great things and she has. I couldn't have the guilt of weighing her down.

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