What's your worst/most ridiculous/craziest memory from high school?

Smuggling guns out of school.

My friends and I discovered an old door in a section of hallway in the basement that was caged off (the cage lock was broken and opened freely). The door was locked. I later talked to my dad about it (he had attended the same school 20+ years previously) and found it was the old rifle range. One friend actually worked part time with the janitorial staff at the school and managed to find the key and took it. We were probably the first people to go into the range in 20 or 25 years. The range was covered with a thick layer of dust but contained a bunch of 1950s era Mossberg .22 rifles sitting in a rack, about a dozen in all. Took my friends and I several weeks but we managed to sneak all of them out of the school and to a friend's garage. We then had to clean the entire range because of all the foot and hand prints we left in the dust, and we had to ensure there were no finger prints.

After we graduated a couple of years later we divided up the guns, one each and then had a visiting friend from out of state sell the remaining guns to a local gun shop and we divided up the money and threw ourselves a pretty nice party. Nearly 30 years later and my one friend who still lives back home has never reported any news stories of missing/stolen guns from the high school. I imagine we were probably the last people to go into the range. I still own that rifle, though at present it is gathering dust in my parent's attic.

Not exactly ridiculous, but even back in the 1980s smuggling guns out of our high school was more than a little bit crazy. We could have gotten in serious trouble for what we did, probably expelled, not to mention arrested.

/r/AskReddit Thread