The sign you're going to have an annoying game of FIFA...

It's funny to me how when people hear something they don't like, they jump to this argument.

Ever wonder that this reactionary bullshit to peoples' perceptions may create Trump's support?

I'm a fucking minority person myself, and I'm making an observation after several WL games tonight + several years of online FIFA.

It's true based on my opinion, but make any observation about group behavior, racist :PPPPPP Trump supporter.

Maybe I'll vote for the fucker next time to spite all the PC bullshit in this country. Can't have an opinion without it being racist. Why is it racist? I do not notice this with MLS badge players, why have I noticed this, especially 3 times just tonight?

Oh yeah, I'm racist for making an observation. This county sucks because of all this bullshit. People question why Trump became president?

This thread, and the reaction to peoples' opinions by calling them racists. If we're racists, fine. You'll have to suffer through a shit president out of spite from the rest of us who are tired of your bullshit.

/r/FIFA Thread Parent