What's your worst shitty snowball effect that happened from a seemingly trivial action?

I wouldn't call it a trivial action, because it wasn't...but it also wasn't exactly the kind of thing that you'd think would directly lead to a 20 year war in the middle east.

In 1991, somebody shot up a Luby's restaurant in Texas, and killed 23 people.

Now, for those who don't carefully follow internal US policy...Texas has only recently been living up to their reputation when it comes to gun laws. Back then, the state didn't even have concealed carry.

Part of the aftermath involved some pretty riveting testimony from a woman who watched both her parents die in that shooting, and who had left her gun in her car, per Texas state law.

You can guess where this is going, right? The Texas legislature sent a concealed carry bill to the governor two years later in 1993. Ann Richards, the democratic governor, vetoed it.

She would be a one term governor, and was defeated by her Republican challenger, George W. Bush. He would also be a one term governor...because he became President of the United States.

And the rest...is history.

/r/AskReddit Thread