When did you realise that someone was really just using you?

This was super short, but it left me with trust issues.

Back in Highschool one day, I was sitting in the library on a spare by myself (I was a loner geek). Two attractive girls came up at sat down at the table, and talked me up for a good 10 minutes, taking interest in what I was studying and stuff.

At the end though, they shifted and asked me for some money. It wasn't a lot (like $50), but still a fair amount of money. It turns out they had found out that I entered into a Pharmacy program and figured I was rolling it cash (which I was for a ~17 year old). I meekly lied and told them that I wasn't in a paid position yet and didn't have much money. They immediately got up and left.

I'm still working on fixing issues that that left me with. 10 years later, my first thought when someone compliments me is "what do they want from me". I have to consciously think that maybe they're just being nice.

/r/AskReddit Thread