When you stop putting women on a pedestal, not only will your life improve, you also quickly realize how boring they really are.

People are basically shit. Don't leave me out, that includes me.

People don't like being told that they aren't much more than 30 feet of digestive tract. Eat, shit, fuck, sleep. But that's us, and that's the truth.

People don't like being told that they are about 10% human, the rest being 70% water and about 20% microorganisms. But we are, and that's the truth.

People don't like hearing that the "10% brain use" is a myth, that we actually use 100% of our brain, and if you are stupid, it's NOT because you aren't using your brain and you will probably always be stupid. Because we do, and that's the truth.

People don't like being told there is no god, that the only thing that exists and will ever exist is physical, matter and energy, and that the universe is about 99% "empty" space (dark matter / energy) and therefore does not exist for us. There is no hope, no innate purpose or meaning to life, and the only thing that we can do is enjoy our very brief, insignificant, pointless little lives. But that's the world we live in, and that's the truth.

People don't like being told that we are naught but biomechanical, electrochemical machines with no souls and no free will. But we are, and that's fucking amazing.

The universe and everything in it is like clockwork. Order exists to a mind-blowing degree in everything, even chaos.

Yet, without discipline, diet, exercise, and a very healthy dose of skepticism and willingness to accept ALL of the facts no matter how disqueting, that amazingness will quickly turn into shit. And that's where most people stay, lazing around on their fat, bored, beetus-begging asses while life slowly passes them by.

But the thing that always gets overlooked in this mindgasm is this:

That includes women.

And unfortunately, all women (and most men) only hear "positive" things. "You're a unique and special sneauflake that can do no wrong, dontchaknow." Also, equality. They're instinctually wired to be so attracted the emotional feelgoods that they lose any and all willpower they might have once had when faced with it. And that's all they ever see and hear, day in and day out. They refuse everything else, but they need it. And they know they do. They WANT to be told that they are shit. Desperately. Because they know that they are. But they won't make it easy, oh hell no. And they will always try to fling it back in your face. That's the game.

So, to place this in the context of male heterosexual strategy, I might be shit RIGHT NOW, but women are shittier.

Red Pill men will make an effort to make the most out of what they've got and go the extra mile to improve upon it. Women would sooner fester because everything is handed to them on a silver platter.

/r/TheRedPill Thread