When you try to have a respectful dialogue about a debatable point

I'll give some context. (You can look in my history, but don't cross post since this didn't come for r/Libertarian. Cross posting-commenting isn't classy)

The original post was talking about how things economically were so much better in the 1950s than today, and I responded to someone else's comment who said wages have been going down but costs have risen.

I'm skeptical of this claim and its implications and I had read something several days ago challenging this claim. So I just googled something like "net median compensation" since total compensation rather than wages is more important to consider. I found a link to what I thought would be a respectable source.

I was open to me being wrong about something, since I didn't research it much, but I have to admit I was somewhat disappointed by the quality and tone of responses. I was at least hoping for someone to back up their claims. I thought I'd be used to this by now.

As a sidenote, it seems like in that subreddit there are occasional swerves in certain posts and their comments to a late-stage-capitalism type of twang. I don't know if there's a brigade that coordinates it or not. I'm sure I'm just being paranoid.

/r/Libertarian Thread Link - i.redd.it