When do the ‘what if’s’ stop?

I got mine in June of 2020. I still have the what-ifs, but not quite like you do. In a weird way, I’m happy I got mine. I read news articles or watch viral videos of people who not only are being charged with a DUI, but also manslaughter. It puts it in prospective because people who are going to jail for years due to DUI deaths aren’t always speeding and driving on the wrong side of the road. Some of them have .12 BACs and theirs involved death.

I say this because it really puts it in prospective because it could have been any of us. A pedestrian who decides to J-Walk, another car at an intersection who runs the light, or just an honest accident. None of that would matter if there was any alcohol present. Your life would truly be ruined. Not like the catastrophes some make on here. Genuinely ruined. Over.

Our inconvenience of a DUI is not being able to drive or the shame. Not the weight of somebody’s life on our hands. Not a felony. Not several years spent in a jail cell. For that, we are lucky.

My what-ifs stem from if I do something wrong in the process. I try to remind myself that we have far more control over our lives than we give ourselves credit for. You got the best possible outcome - a DUI where no one was hurt or killed. All else will fall into place. Take control of your fears and try to deflect the what-ifs. From this point forward, no one has control over this situation but you. How you handle it, how you respond, what you do next. It’s all in your hands. Hopefully this will shed some of those what-ifs.

/r/dui Thread