DUI lawyer in AZ here, AMA

I'm a civil attorney in MO. I've never had a DUI but I come here because I find DUI law interesting and I am connected with a couple of highly successful DUI attorneys.

  1. If you're pulled over, should you ever consent to FSTs? It seems there's no upside to agreeing to FSTs.
  2. Let's say you blow a PBT over .08 and are then immediately taken to the station for blood testing. Blood test comes back at a .06something. Which test controls?
  3. Suppose the officer orders you to step out of the car, but you leave your phone in the car. Can the officer legally prevent you from accessing your phone to call an attorney? If, after being denied the opportunity to contact attorney, you submit to a blood test and blow over .08, would the officer's denial of your phone call have any effect on the case/conviction?
  4. On what grounds do you typically "win" a case?
  5. By "winning" a case, are you referring to outright acquittal, or does that include some other disposition(s)?
/r/dui Thread