When would be the right time to start complimenting my girlfriend on her legs, and/or on her overall body?

This is by far the best response I've gotten on this post. It's literally the perfect response.

That's exactly what I'll do! Thank you! Those are all wonderful compliment examples to use! I'm letting her know I think her body is attractive, but at the same time, the main point of those compliments is that I admire her hard work to get such an attractive body.

And she really actually does inspire me to get in better shape, too. If I'm with a girlfriend with such a sexy body, I want to have a sexy body as well.

My body is currently ok...I used to be slightly overweight when I was 10, and that fat carried all the way till I was 15...however, when I turned 16, I started to use the thread-mill on the gym once or twice a week for an hour, and my body has improved a lot since then. I lost the fat on my chest (in which made it look like I had A cup boobs), and my abs are actually kind of visible.

I'm still not as hot as my girlfriend, though. I've only started a year ago, she's probably been doing it a lot longer. Some tips from her would indeed be nice.

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