Where did all the anti-Catholicism in this sub suddenly come from?

Yea let’s not fight back, let’s let people continue to debase themselves, god creation, humanity and the laws that exist. Let’s let them create a world where everything is run by perspective of people, who wallow in vices, wants and the feces of sin that they roll around in. Which does nothing but destroy morals and creates a church of do whatever you want because nothing matters, "hey kids, go have sex which is which feels good, but creates life ultimately, cool you got pregnant, kill it, who cares, it what you want any ways nothing else matters.” Let’s let them build a world where I can walk into a laundry room in my college and see a girl passed out, on the floor, clothes everywhere because she was doing laundry, I look over and see three other people doing their laundry, I see one even look at her, shrug and then leave. The other two fallow as well and they both did look at her before doing so. Also they were not together at all, just people doing their laundry. Did they know she was there? Yes, did they know someone was trying to help? No, they did not care and no one knew anything about it until I told the RAs on duty for the building. To back up with this story as well it took someone who was visiting the building, who did not live there, to call 911. Actually I was walking to the building and he ran out to me freaking out and wanted to know what building number was. I told him and ran to see what happened, saw the girls, saw the people do that and then I told the RAs on duty. This happened my junior year of college. The ambulance did come, this did happen, she was ok, she was simply exhausted from homework and a job.

This is no longer a fight about homosexuality or marriage. This is a fight of humanity and completely allowing people to be indifferent to the planet, animals and to each other and basic human virtues that make us special. This allowing, of a certain human mindset needs to stop. A certain American political party, has this mindset and so does similar mindsets exist within Europe. This extreme mindset, which does nothing but promote a culture that can easily be manipulated using wants, vices, sins and whose perpetrators desire power and hold virtues such as love, tolerance and kindness for others hostage. To see people not care about his girl passed out, showed me what an end result of their culture is, truly people have come worse than animals thanks to them and their mindset. It showed me how, do not hate, but love, does not work anymore with these some of these people. God gave us free will and allowing this to continue needs to stop. Your enemy, that does exist, hates you and wants you and everything you believe it destroyed. Jonathan Swift, who has many famous satirical novels coined humanity, and such people who do nothing but debase everything that is special, meaningful and important as “yahoos” this descriptions comes from book four of Gulliver’s Travels. Let’s not allow yahoos to continue in all there forms and let’s not be them. Sadly the state I live in were this exist is lost to them. But do not allow your states, countries, cultures and places become mine or even worse because that girl, lying there, as other ignore her, is the end result and I fear it being worse. Be better, men and women in this sub reddit and those who have any human dignity left.

/r/Catholicism Thread Parent