Where is video game's *Maus* and *Schindler's List*?

I think the issue with this, even if the game was excellent at everything it could offer, it'd be a bit difficult to get people on board for advertising and marketing the game. I mean it could easily be remedied by keeping it indie,simplistic and doing marketing through ad space online. I just feel like it'd be a bit difficult to go about a TV advert and giant scale marketing campaign for it. I also feel like some people might be reluctant to take part in creating a game on such a serious subject.

I can easily see media and groups getting up in arms vilifying the idea saying things like : "would you want your child playing the Holocaust video game?" "is the suffering of millions of people a game to you?".

See the problem is with despite recent trends, mainstream of things deemed super nerdy and all that, some people out there still equate the activity of playing video games as something for younger people. These people take offense to almost everything and feel that whatever idea is put in video game format, it'll instantly fall into the lap of some poor innocent precious darling child and corrupt their life or some shit.

Naturally as people of the gaming community, we know this is just a ridiculous irrational view and a bit extreme.

The shitty thing is these people tend to be ones wielding a bit of influence,power and have the cash to buy their way. I mean Schwarzenegger was on board to defend the shit out of that California law that went to Supreme Court that was about preventing what video games young people could purchase. Yeah he was a politician and just playing the part , but for a guy who's coined so many catchphrases and been in bloodbaths of movies, he was looking a bit like a hypocrite.

People get a half assed uninformed word that some company made a game about the Holocaust, and they foam at the mouth and instantly start going apeshit. Even if the game has on the box or in adverts "intended for mature audiences" etc, people will still find a way to rant and moan about it.

Long story short, I don't think I could see this hypothetical game being on a very large stage(which isn't a bad thing, indie folk do amazing work) and any marketing would have to be done with the heavy emphasis of serious nature and that it's the epitome of being for a mature audience. Which is completely fine but in some situations when you need ad revenue to pay for things, it can be a bit of a hassle if your advert is too much for TV.

I think the idea has potential but it has to be done extremely well, be completely serious and actually be on the realistic side of things, despite the morbid realities. I think the medium is ready but again it's really key to have that emphasis on mature audiences in the presentation.

/r/truegaming Thread