More pure gold from "What Happened". Her team and Obama begged her not to attack Berniecrats. She attacked Berniecrats. It's their fault she lost.

you can claim whatever intellectual superiority you imagine you have and thats fine, it doesn't matter to me either way, but ultimately hillary's book nails the situation and additionally. once the primaries were over, the choice was clear.

Hey i'm sorry it was a two choice election, but thats what it was. if your happy with trump then thats fine with me, heck, i respect honest trump supporters more than the berniebros who actually went against bernies own wishes and voted for trump.

i'm here telling you like it is, its up to you whether you like it or not and its no big deal, i'm just spending time here for the slight chance i can shame someone into bettering themselves, if thats not you then i wouldn't be terribly disappointed, i'm old enough to know better than that, human nature is what it is after all.

honestly the quoted bit of hillaries book is extremely spot on, theres literally nothing to criticize unless you are a rush limbaugh or trump voting berniebro. it speaks poorly for america's future that you kids are actually holding this up for criticism here, but if thats the future you kids want then so be it. i myself will do alright either way, but i've never voted for my selfish interests, i've always felt compelled to be a better person than that. i guess those sort of values are probably out of style tho.

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