Which is worse? Living in poverty or living in a hoarding home? I feel like a complete failure in life.

Poverty. Although I’d recommend moving to a place that has lots of public offerings if you are going to be poor. Not sure where you are located but I can tell you I’ve seen Alabama poverty, compared to like Houston, or Atlanta, the services in midsize/large cities makes poverty more manageable.

I’m talking, parks, libraries, less food scarcity and better staffed community centers and medical services. If you can’t drive I’d recommend making sure you have access to cheap, easy public transportation.

I couldn’t live in chaos. You can live a very simple life being poor. Not very exciting, and can be harsh, but it doesn’t have to be chaos.
Find some resources to budget down to the penny. Find cheap hobbies. Find an effiency apartment, or room shared situation in a mid city with decent public transportation.

/r/AskMenOver30 Thread