The White House just cited the Quebec mosque attack to justify Trump’s policies | Toronto Star

So being kept away from home for 3 months more than anticipated is a mole for these people.

The vetting process as it exists now takes around 18-24 months, that 2 years, compared to that 3 months is indeed a mole.

What if they have rent to pay, pets to feed, family they are separated from...

That is why Trump along with the Saudis are going to create 'safe zones' in Iraq & Syria so that something gets done while they for their visa approvals.

I'm glad to see you care so little about those around you.

Just like you cared zilch about the non-Muslims I've mentioned - Assyrians, Chaldeans, Yazidiz, Chritians, Kurds, etc. You completely ignored them but some reason you're only obsessed with just the Muslims.

they depended on America and America betrayed them. They played by the rules, and they got cheated.

They were getting bombed by America and killed by US backed rebels, nobody cared for all these years, no protests, no tantrums at the airports and no crocodile tears for them but for some reason a mere 3 month ban and everybody suddenly started caring, that too just for the Muslims.

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