White liberals more likely to have a mental health condition

Im not about to dox myself.

But, I seriously doubt my licensing agency would give a shit because:

  1. Just how exactly am I being bigoted? Saying things you don’t like =\= being bigoted.
  2. Most of the board would probably agree with me. Though I might get censured by a certain professional group I’m in because it’s ran by younger, liberal, early career professionals just outta grad school.
  3. My patients are usually pretty happy with me and I help a ton of people. Good luck trying to find a patient who is so mad at me they’d make a complaint.
  4. I keep my personal views completely separate from my professional life. My scope of practice focus on individuals. They don’t, nor should they, know my views.
  5. Note that I didn’t say that their suffering wasn’t less deserving of treatment. I just think there can be other motivations for them to, unconsciously, collect various identities.

Are you in the field or just someone who hates though crimes?

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