Whitesboro to vote on 'racist' town seal showing white man wrestling Native American

What image does the community want to present? A ... bear? A sun? A bushel of wheat?

the question needs to be asked "Is this the symbol we want representing us now?"

It's ... it's two men wrestling. So, no. No, the question doesn't need to be asked.

The motivation for doing this, changing it, comes from a place of really weird, strange bitterness and unnecessary guilt and shame that's not good to accommodate. If the city had benignly decided to change the image because one day someone said, "It's kinda boring! Let's modernize!" because stuffy old people think people give a shit about town seals under normal circumstances then, well, that would be one thing.

But it's another thing.

An insidious, gross thing because people like you, well-meaning, think it's no big deal. It is though. Little things like this are the social and political movement versions of that scene in The Wedding Singer about the window seat.

Uh, I remember we went to the Grand Canyon one time. We were flying there and I'd never been there before and Linda had, so you would think that she would give me the window seat but she didn't and... not that that's a big deal, you know. It's just there were a lot of little things like that. I know that sounds stupid...

We're at a place where you can invoke "that offends me" to remove/shut down/criticize anything or anyone you disagree with.

Except sometimes it doesn't matter if you're offended. And they use their 'sensitivity' like a thought cudgel to beat anyone who disagrees.

Bahar Mustafa banned white men in the UK from a student union meeting. A bike store in Toronto (I think) banned men from the premises on Sundays to give women a safe space. Don't think this vote isn't a part of that movement. It absolutely is.

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