Who are the neck beards of women?

OK so this isn't going to be popular but I was very much like this when I was younger. Still am, kinda. I never shouted from the rooftops "I HATE OTHER GIRLS" or made it well known but if a question was asked that alluded to my lack of friends (I've never had many, most were guys) I would always think that I just didn't get along with other girls.

Don't get me wrong, its not that I hated them (well some of them I did but that was for various reasons, generally I was just neutral towards other girls/women) I just felt awkward around them and I felt like I was weird, wasn't into the same things they were and wasn't "good enough" because I didn't wear make up or care about wearing cute clothes. I never once dreamed about my wedding as a young girl, or played princess, and that made me feel like I was just faulty and couldn't connect with other women.

In all honesty that self esteem issue in primary school is probably why I still feel weird around other women. Its not them, its me.

I guess my point is that not all girls/women that say that are just trying to #BeOneOfTheGuys

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