Who are you voting for in 2020?

Look at Trump's cabinet, it is now filled with the swamp creatures he has pledged to drain. Elliot Abrams that convicted and pardoned war criminal is now in his administration and just how are you going to defend his anti-interventionist pledge now? The same can be said with John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, they are the worst of the neocon swamp creatures. Trump doesn't want a war now because it would affect his 2020 election because he campaigned for anti interventionist but it is highly possible a war might break out in Trump second term since his will not be able to run again. When that happens all pro trump supporters should sign up for the military and go to the front lines when Trump declares war on Iran and Venezuela. America is already highly hated all over the world for being the world police and I strongly detest the American government for trying to destabilize Asia where I live. The talks between North Korea and South Korea was going well until the warmongers decide to poke around because obviously peace doesn't sell war machines. So until Trump fires his neocon war hawks, I will never trust him again.

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