Who (besides your ex) do you hate? Why do you hate that person?

I hate two people in specific. I will try to keep details vague, because I am pretty sure both people are on Reddit, and I want some plausible deniability.

One is a person who found out my ex (current girlfriend at the time) had schizophrenia and decided to spread that around. I was the one that learned the cat was out of the bag on that, and I told my girlfriend what I had learned. Good thing I did, too, because the horrible woman who actually did spread that decided to blame me. Because it makes so much sense for me to have spread that to her boyfriend and her best friend. I hate her because she is such a damaged person she was gossiping about somebody else's mental health, and because when caught she couldn't suck it up and deal with it, she had to try and make my girlfriend-at-the-time's life more miserable by making her second-guess me. She already had enough to deal with when she learned that the secret she had tried very hard to keep was out.

The second, I can't even explain this person's motivation. They accused a friend of rape, and they accused it of happening on a day when multiple people were with him the entire time--we literally didn't leave each other's side. This woman didn't say he raped her, she made up some imaginary fifteen year old. When confronted later, she couldn't even give a name. The kicker? Out of all of the people hanging out with him from the moment he arrived on campus to the moment he drove off, none of us actually saw the girl that started the rumor.

I can't understand that type of evil. She didn't even have anything to benefit from that. And even if he somehow did sneak away from us and found a fifteen year old on a college campus to rape--why the fuck did she not call the cops? She claimed she had seen it happen, so she was apparently there. Spreading that gossip around a bar isn't how you deal with a rape.

/r/AskReddit Thread