Who has a better story than Bran the Broken?

I had a friend in high school back in the early 90's who had these glass bones.

My introduction to him was at a pool table. He was a fucking shark, he won many awards and he beat all of us. We were all in our early teens and we traded titles of 'best' until he came along and just wiped us out at every game.

He had been in a wheel chair most of his life due to his fragile bones. Pool was something that gave him something to be best at and in his wheel chair he saw eye level at the table and sniped everyone.

But, when he became a teenager, his bones finally became strong enough that he could stand on crutches. He was 100% done with that wheelchair but he wasn't done with pool. However, his trophy winning eyesight was now elevated and ... we finally beat him. No, we fucking smashed him every chance we got. No mercy! And that's because we were friends.

We were friends because he had a hell of a sense of humor. In our senior year at high school we were both up for comedic of the year and he got nominated. I told him that was a terrible joke to laugh at a cripple. Because I was jealous of course!

He was a great friend of mine. So much so that during a party at a motorcycle race he complained to me that the bonfire was dying out. So... I through his wooden crutches in. I laughed, he freaked out an someone got his charred wooden crutches out. As an amends to my dastardly deeds I told him he could bonk me on the head with them. I haven't been left since then.

A week later he got new crutches and they were metal. Hehehe, I silently thought. And, yes, at the next bonfire I through his metal crutches in because, damn it, he's my friend, I ain't gonna treat him different from other people.

And, once again, he bonked my head.

Then he raped a drunk girl that was his best friend. He said he was her boyfriend and in the middle of it she snapped out of her drunkeness and saw/felt her best friend raping her.

I don't know why, but no charges were brought against him but I do know that she slammed her vehicle head on into his and she also wasn't charged.

Everytime I see Mr. Glass it reminds me of him.

Last I heard he works for the CIA in Washington, D.C.

/r/freefolk Thread Link - i.redd.it