Who else can relate? My last ex once ranted at me for 19 minutes straight without taking a breath.

Last year, I went on a date with this man who seemed to be a gentleman and was very funny. I liked his personality and thought he was nice so I went out with him. During the whole date, he just ranted to me about his ex. How she was an older woman who has four kids and he still keeps in touch with all of them. How they tried to have a baby of their own but she kept having miscarriages. How she was so obsessed with horoscopes and how it bothered the crap out of him. I was angry that I spent 2 hours with this man who really just needed a therapist.

I swear, I will never understand these pickmes saying “MeN nEeD tO eXpResS tHeIr FeElInGs!!1!” It genuinely pisses me off

/r/FemaleDatingStrategy Thread Link - i.redd.it