Who here has given up looking into UFOs?

Man, you hit the nail on the head!

I've gone from sincere curiosity, to complete fatigue, in my attempts to learn more about the phenomenon.

I would have to add, the most upsetting thing that has lead to my disinterest has been the Phoenix lights. I grew up in Phoenix, and I saw both events (the "UFO" and the flares that were dropped.) During both events I had a most excellent view, as well as personal understanding of the terrain and the city. On BOTH occasions it was plainly obvious to me and everyone around me (all teens, and young adults, craving adventure!) that it was a military exercise with flares. We even knew where it was occurring (outside Luke AFB, which we drove by regularly) and we all knew the practice range location (which is to be seriously avoided!) During both events, we were having a desert party not far from the city (that later became a paved housing development, and part of the city in less than 10 years [it was an hour away from my home].) We could see farther, better, and had a completely clear picture of (again) both events. And yet, every month there's some post about the "Phoenix Lights" but I have to keep my damned mouth shut because there's so much "evidence" and I'm an idiot according to the believers.

Do I think there is a phenomenon worth investigating? YES. But I just can't speak openly and honestly about those rare cases that really intrigue me. I always seem to piss someone off that has "the real evidence" and is angry that I'm somehow fighting for the other side?

I want to end on a positive note, however. r/UnresolvedMysteries/ has a fantastic forum for people who really look for the truth about things. It's not about UFOs, or ghosts, or the paranormal... it's about real crimes (murder, rape, etc.) The people on that subreddit seem to genuinely care about facts. They help each other out, correct assumptions, add sources, and discuss in a refreshing and civilized manner. I'm not saying this forum sucks (hey, I'm still a member OK?) but the attitude seems radically different. And ya know... maybe there needs to be a separate place for both kinds of people... believers and skeptics, but I wish we could all get along a bit more like Scully and Mulder.

I respect the opinions here -although I may not always agree with them, we should be allowed to present our evidence, sources, and theories, within a more robust and healthy community, dedicated towards the same goal... the truth. I assume everyone here has just the slightest curiosity and belief that we have been visited. Otherwise, why would we all be here? That doesn't mean we all need to conform to the same narrative.

/r/UFOs Thread