[WP] On his wedding day, the Prince must choose a bride between 3 girls: a peasant, an elf or a noble. While the choice seems obvious, the Prince gives a speech to explain his decision and we don't know who he picks until the last word.

"Elisysæ," the Prince said, flashing his perfect white teeth at the elfin girl.

A faint blush added some colour to her porcelain skin, and the kingdom gave a collective sigh of longing. Of course, Elisysæ. Practically immortal, heartbreakingly beautiful. Mysterious magical powers. And more dangerous with a knife than any man. A dangerous choice, but wise. The audience smiled knowingly at one another, certain she was the one. But it wouldn't be official until the Prince's explanation, and the magic words: "be my bride, Elisysæ".

"Elisysæ, you have enchanted me with your beauty and your wit," he said, taking the slim girl's hand in his own.

The peasant, Mary, and the noble, Dalena, tried to hide their scowls as the waited near the wall. They scarcely succeeded, and gave one another a rare look of comraderie. Elfin bitch. She didn't belong here, it wasn't right.

"We will merge the Human and Elfin kingdoms with this union," he said, staring into Elisysæ's inhuman, glowing green eyes. "And so, we shall form a dynasty to last until the end of Ages. Be my bride, Elisysæ."

The audience clapped and cheered as the Prince sealed the union with a kiss.

It was midnight, the world bathed in inky darkness, as the Prince swung himself onto the back of his horse. Beside him, Casus, his servant, clutched at the neck of his own steed, staring grimly into the dark.

"Are you certain of this?" he said softly.

"It's too late to have second thoughts, Cas."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of soft footsteps approaching from the castle. Elisysæ's eyes were green fire, burning with triumph.

"This was a good bargain, human," she said sweetly. "And all the Kingdom agog at your miraculous charm and powers. The first human to make an elf fall in love. Such a sweet story."

He snorted, not finding it in him to laugh. "Yes, yes, congratulations on your victory and all that. It's your turn, Queen. You promised. Send me and Cas someplace they'll never find us."

There was a moment of silence as she contemplated the two men, who shared a brief, longing glance.

"And you are certain of this?" she whispered. "Once you are gone, you can never return. I shall be Queen, and you...you shall be banished."

"But with my love," he snapped. "Not forced to choose between three girls like they're platters of food. I warned my parents. They chose to ignore my choices. Now they'll pay the price."

Elisysæ nodded, showing her teeth in a wide grin. "Pay the price, indeed. And you've no idea what that price will be. But a bargain's a bargain. I'll send you and your boy far, far away."

She swept an elegant hand, muttering to herself. The Prince and Cas's forms, along with their horses, began to fade away.

"Good luck, my Prince," she hissed to herself, grinning at the castle. Her castle. "You'll need it.

The Prince and Casus stared in shock at the icy wasteland that surrounded them.

"Well," the Prince said, starting to shiver. "This might be a problem."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread