Who was the most spoiled kid you've ever encountered?

I think I used to be the most spoiled kid. When I was around 9-10 old, if my mom and I are shopping together and if my mom denies to buy me stuffs(PS2/3(i forgot),GameCDs, foods, clothes..pretty much everything, I would run around and hide somewhere where my mom wont be able to find me..She would search for me for hours and it gave me high satisfaction to see her go through the pain of searching. Most of the time, she used to cry on the road because of me and of what I did. She never beat me though. If my need weren't met, I would literally throw tantrum in the house and lock myself up and wont eat anything for 1/2 days. I wasn't a pleasant kid to have tbh.

As I grew older, like 12-13, I started creating my own business(freelancing) and gave all the money I earned to my mom. I started my first official business(freelancing again but under company's name) when I was 17, all my money was deposited again into her account... Now Im 22, I go to one of the USA's most expensive private university with 98% scholarship, I haven't asked a penny from my mom to support me during my college years(even the basic expenses). I really feel proud on how I grew up and also taught me the parenting skills one must posses.

/r/AskReddit Thread