Who do you not have any sympathy for?

My group of friends and were recently very supportive of a friend when she randomly told us over dinner that her SO was cheating and that he was a self confessed sex addict who was in therapy.

We told them we'd support them no matter what and she asked us to have an intervention to help him out. We checked in on her regularly to make sure she was okay for the weeks that followed and advised them to see a therapist together. We told them to do literally anything to save their relationship but if it happened again and they couldn't move on, it might be time to end things.

They obviously decided that this was not what they wanted to hear and proceeded cut us all out of their lives but not before saying some vicious, personal things that meant our friendship would be irreparable.

Flash forward a few months and it transpires that he is actually a serial cheater who has been repeatedly sacked for sexual assault and she's been turning a blind eye the whole time.

She obviously just wanted to let off some steam about him cheating to get a little sympathy and it backfired

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent