Who would you say was/is worse than Hitler and why? (Serious)

He's generally accepted to have killed 20 million compared to Hitler's 6m. He also ordered the Red Army to be so brutal in their assaults that the Axis were said to not only prefer being captured by Americans/Brits but would rather kill themselves than fall into Russian hands.

Of course evil still has its place today - we don't know the extent of abuses being carried out by the CCP or DPRK for example. Likewise the massacres happening in Uganda just this week.

I don't honestly believe evil can be measured. There is a very touchy debate that perhaps there's serial killers or serial rapists out there who function more "evil" than Hitler did, psychologically.

As a disclaimer, at no point am I attempting to downplay Hitler's evil. I fucking despise the cunt and hope his death was as painful and emotional as a human can suffer. But if we're going to "compete" bad guys against one another I do believe he sits somewhere in the middle with various geopolitical reasons that he is so much more famous today.

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