Who's wrongly portrayed as a hero?

I had never heard of this until you posted it, so I looked it up. I read several articles for/against her, and watched the sex tape she made later.

Unpopular opinion time, and I am sure I will be downvoted to oblivion by the very male-heavy population of Redditors.

Her "allegations" are absolutely believable if you are a woman who has ever been date raped. If what happened to her originally was exactly like the sex tape she released later, it DID cross a line from consensual sex to rape. She starts out consenting. She even gets a little kinky with the "hit me" bit. Okay, fine, some people are into that. It becomes rape when he takes off the condom and continues fucking her, despite her telling him to stop and giving very clear body language that she is no longer consenting. This is, sadly, not clear to a lot of people. It's also a hard case to prove, and many women do just go shower it off, feeling like it is somehow their fault because of the portion of the encounter to which they did consent.

As far as her "performance art" with the mattress, I can admit I am not a fan. I can understand how some people might view it as harassment of the man who raped her, particularly when other people began to single out her attacker. But it does shine a huge spotlight on events that happen almost every single day in universities and elsewhere. Date rape is a real thing. Universities covering up these incidents is a huge problem. Women have to continue to see their rapists every day in many of these cases.

I had no idea who "mattress girl" was, or what you were talking about until today. I still do not know the full details, obviously. But if you watch the sex tape she made, imagine yourself in that situation (as the man or woman), I think it's pretty obvious that things went south at a certain point. A decent man would have stopped there.

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