Who's your "I fucking hate this guy" guy?

The boyfriend of a friend that I know since she was born is such an annoying character.

  • First time I met him some months after her brother killed himself he told me proudly that he cant believe he went to an important event (her high school diploma ceremony) for a girl
  • When she was still mourning he complained that she is not having enough sex with him
  • he broke up with her for a weekend because he met a girl at a train station and wanted to fuck her guilt free.
  • told me that he wants to buy a house because he "knows a woman at the bank that will help him out" he had no stable income back then
  • Always has "big plans" that result in absolutely nothing but boasts like he is the next Elon Musk
  • Once I invited both of them to dinner - he came an hour late and wanted to bring a friend
  • Same night he slept in my room with her even though I explicitly said no. He just pretended to be asleep
  • Once (same week) this guy let his pregnant sister and mother wait an hour to meet up with him. He came high with the best mood imaginable not even apologizing for letting us all wait
  • Notorious weed smoker. Once we were all together on vacation: I invited them into my vacation home. This guy went to "sleep" to smoke by himself so he doesnt need to share
  • My mother hates him aswell. Once we were talking about it and he straight up said he would love to punch her in the face.
  • They are together for 10 years and she would love to start a family. He wants to live with his friends that he will always fight with and cancel eventually making her life constant drama
  • He broke up with her countless times because he "cant trust her" even though she is the sweetest girl imaginable. Constantly jealous about everyone

The best thing about this: he loves talking shit about me behind my back. Tried to depict me as a villain because he cant deal with a man caring platonically for his girlfriend. He is fairly attractive which is probably the reason she deals with his shit but his character is just rotten in my opinion. I cant say shit about any of this because she is so loyal to him to an unhealthy extent. Just swallowing my pride and ignoring him as best as I can and fulfilling my duty to my friend to care for his sister.

/r/AskReddit Thread