WIBTA if I insist that my girlfriend sign a cohabitation agreement before I buy us a house?


Was unsure at first, but reading the comments definitely YTA.

Sounds like you’re treating it as a marriage when you want to - ie considering yourself a father to this child. But then it’s not a marriage when you don’t want it to be - not providing spousal support.

If you really are this kid’s dad, then you should want to provide spousal support in the event of a breakup, so that the kid has the best start in life when living with its mother.

I also don’t believe that she contributes nothing to the relationship. Sounds like to do contribute the finances, and obviously she wouldn’t have the lifestyle she does without you. But she contributes the child - you wouldn’t have a kid without her. It works both ways.

If you’re parenting her kid then honestly it sounds like a marriage in all but legislation. You’re a family, and so your assets are shared. Full stop.

If you don’t like the fact she’s not earning, then start a family with someone who’s earning a similar salary to you.

And also you say she’s behind on rent and doesn’t pay for groceries, but on a six figure salary, I don’t for a second believe you are living within her means. Are you living in a cheap shitty neighbourhood? Are you buying cheap shitty food? If the answer is no, then you can’t expect her to meet those costs. She’s contributing as much as she can. But you’re unwilling to compromise on the privileges your lifestyle affords. That’s understandable and is fine, but at least acknowledge that she’s out of her depth financially, not just bc she’s poor (and i suspect in your eyes, unaccomplished), but because you’re choosing to make her living costs high.

Final thing, I find it quite suspicious how you bring up her drug addiction. It is not relevant to the post. It makes me suspect that you either see her a certain way, or are trying to make us see her a certain way. You could’ve spoken about how hard she’s worked to be sober and how proud you are of that accomplishment. Instead, you chose to describe it in a way that’s kinda condescending.

So all in all, YTA. It’s not just that your wants seem unreasonable, but some of the stuff you’ve said subtly implies that you don’t respect your girlfriend. I really hope I’m wrong, and that this is the dream relationship you describe.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread