WIBTA if I lied to my family about saying a special prayer for my father who just passed even though I don’t plan on doing it?

Well he literally did not lie to the father because he passed away and was not there for the lie. But reach if you must. it’s kind of messed up of you to tell a grieving son that anyway....

I did not say practicing Jewish faith is unhealthy. If it came off that way, it’s not what I meant. I admire the religion greatly and have attended services in the past, but am atheist myself.

I was trying to say it would be unhealthy for OP, especially since he’s not practicing Judaism, to do something that would require him 3 times a day, every day, for a whole year to disrupt his lifestyle if that’s not even something he believes in. And yes....It would be really hard to have to stop your life constantly to do that for someone you just lost, but that’s purely from a grieving perspective I suppose.

If his family wants to practice that, that’s totally fine and I’m sure would be healing for THEM, but he doesn’t want to so he shouldn’t have to.

You’re probably right about the lying. It might not be the most moral thing to do...but I think his intent was to spare them from more pain.

Also why do you assume he has a brother?

Additionally, I brought up finances and employment because I could not imagine being able to get the time off to do that, and if could I wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long because an income is necessary. I raised it because that’s literally a real factor of life and it should be considered in his decision.

Agree to disagree I guess. Thanks for the POV.

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