This will always be my favorite scene of any television show. Seinfeld - Marine Biologist

Never knew I shared a fake Marine Biologist story with George. At some point I became interested in coral reef fish tanks, and eventually built one and spent months learning about care and troubleshooting etc. A friend of mine who used to work at a fish store was also a salt water fan. We would spend time talking about fish and water. Eventually I got a job up north and moved, but he had family in near an aquarium. So eventually he came up and I drove over to hang out. We decided to visit the aquarium, it was nice but we were craving more. So we walked up to some people in scuba gear that were talking among each other; they looked like workers. We claimed to be from a southern aquarium and was wondering if we could have a walk around in the back. I love that equipment, huge protein skimmers and so on. I was ready for a test, while not actually a marine biologist in profession but in my heart. So one of the scuba divers asked why we didn't use some system to schedule a visit. We played dumb, not knowing about it.. The girl was obviously tired of us at this point and called "the new guy" to show us around. SCORE! We walked around back looking at the equipment they use to grow rotifers and so on. A legit lab, then we started walking over the tanks and it was great. He was asking us questions and we were totally passing, that day I was a Marine Biologist! Got to see a huge shark they were nursing back to health. Sadly no Sigourney Weaver voice. He ended the tour at the kids touch tank, that's when he cut us loose.

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