Will r/Android go private in solidarity with the other major subreddits?

An entirely fucked up situation with two actual legitimate complaints about gaming journalism(that has piss poor, to no journalistic ethics and standards), and the gaming community(that members quickly devolved to spouting sexist and misogynistic things at someone they didn't like). The main issue being one group was a bunch of immature assholes, and the other was a bunch of immature assholes who were being paid to be immature assholes(the worse crime IMO).

The start was a game developer making something that wasn't really a game and got a lot of praise a lot of people thought wasn't deserved, followed by an ex boyfriend claiming that she cheated on him with people who were praising the game. Now while the exact nature of their relationship isn't the public's business, basic journalistic standards would have required a quick line stating vaguely that the writer is friends, or in a relationship or whatever so that can temper the readers opinion on the article, especially because it was apparent IIRC that the editor knew of this as well. Now, since cheating is always a high pressure subject for people, it exploded, and a lot of assholes used it as a chance to feel morally superior about being sexist, and while many of the claims and problems addressed were legitimate, far too many took the tone, and complaints in their own direction subverting the legitimate complaints by lumping them in with a bunch of shit.

To drive things further down the shitter, what followed was large portions of the gaming media, and media in general changing the subject to calling their audience misogynists and assholes, and what ensued was an endless shitshow, both showcasing the negative aspects of both sides, highly editorialized and poorly researched articles from the media, a shit show of misogyny and internet detectives trying to piece together the love life of a stranger, with a few fragments of actual content from both camps.

/r/Android Thread Parent