I’m in college, I have no social life, and I’m slowly withering away

God dammit...want some advice?

Join some punk rock pages on social media

Find out when and where the next punk show in your area will be.

Go to the show.

Walk up to ANYONE and say "hi, im so and so"

They will come to you ask you questions want to get to know you accept you for whoever you are (except if your a fascist).

By the end of the night you could make like 20 friends. Just by showing up. Hell you could just show up, not say anything and just wait. You might get ignored, or you might have someone come up to you and talk to you. But you gotta be able to open up, relax, and leave this bleak shit at the door.

The reason I say go to a punk show is because that's the one place where you can go dressed as anything and act anyway you want and it will be accepted, respected, and encouraged to be loud and proud about it.

Trust me, they just look scary. But a majority of them are some of the nicest people I have ever met. Just go, seriously. Fuckin go. Be loose, and not a wall flower, and be yourself, and you'll be just fine.

/r/dating Thread