I faked my own death and moved half way across the world to start a new life

I was going to ask if it was worth it and if you have any regrets but it sounds like you're much happier.

I really think some people don't understand how emotionally tied down and stunted you can feel due to circumstances around you. I was seriously depressed, felt useless and was on the verge of suicide until I quit my job. I had been hanging onto it for a while because it paid well and I was terrified of not being able to make ends meet. But holy shit, did I hate that job and the people there.

Now I'm in a completely different industry, making only a little less money and I feel like a new person. So fucking worth it.

I don't think you're an asshole OP. You'd only qualify for that if you went back to purposely reveal you weren't actually dead.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread