With New Years resolutions giving us goals for the year, what is something you've already done in your life that you're most proud of?

Between 2008-2015, I was underweight with very little muscle mass. As a result, I developed joint problems and instability. I tore my labrum and rotator cuff in both of my shoulders and dislocated one of my shoulders 1-2 times every single day. I couldn't even go to sleep without one of them popping out and having to jump out of bed to desperately try to put it back in.

I also sublaxated both of my knees and tore my MCL and meniscus.

My posture was also terrible as I didn't have enough muscle to hold myself up.

Between 2015-2016, I had 4 surgeries done between both shoulders and both knees. While it was happening, I swore to myself that after I recovered, I would build my body up so that I would never have to deal with those types of problems again.

I was true to my word. For the next 2 years, I dramatically increased my calorie and protein intake and started lifting weights 3-5 times a week. At 6'1'', I went from 135 pounds post-surgeries to 195 pounds.

I could barely lift anything when I started - due to muscle atrophy as well as all the surgeries. We're talking 5 pound dumbbells and not even being able to bench a barbell. Little by little though, my numbers went up

This past summer, I bench pressed 275 pounds and squatted 300. While I was barely able to hold my arms above my head without weight in fear that I'd dislocate, I could now press more than 160 pounds over my head.

Unfortunately, in August, I threw a baseball and my shoulder popped out. And 2 weeks later, I slipped on a wet floor, causing my knee to twist the wrong way. My labrum/rotator cuff and meniscus/mcl are torn again and now I need surgeries again. I've tried lifting things, but I can't even bench press the barbell without my shoulder shaking and hurting. The surgeon says not to expect to be in the weight room until the end of 2019 and that when I do return, I'll have to take it easy.

/r/AskReddit Thread